Phase 1 - Project Inception (Q1 2023 - Q2 2023)

Project concept development

Team formation and initial token development

Community outreach and engagement

Phase 2 - Token Launch (Q3 2023 - Q4 2023)

Smart contract development and security audits

Token pre-sale and public launch

Listing on major exchanges

Phase 3 - Community Building (Q1 2024 - Q2 2024)

Launching the meme contest platform

Community meme creation events

Establishing partnerships with meme influencers

Phase 4 - Charity Initiatives (Q3 2024 - Q4 2024)

Allocating funds for charitable donations

Initiating charity partnerships and campaigns

Expanding community engagement

Phase 5 - Expansion and Innovation (2025 and Beyond)

Continuously improving technology and services

Exploring additional use cases for LCSN

Exploring DeFi integrations and NFT developments